Economic and tourism investment projects

Would you like to invest in a promising project? Our database offers you various insights into projects from different economic areas such as: metal industry, energy industry, wood industry, textile industry, agriculture, real estate, tourism, IT-Technology, Start-up and innovation.
We have collected all investment projects known to us from Southeastern Europe in a directory. Find the right project for you by searching for economic sectors or regional allocation (Southeastern Europe). You can find abstracts of the projects with basic information on the activities, preparation process, values and planned funding sources and all forms of cooperation with foreign partners.
Browse through our database or contact us and together we will find a completely new investment opportunity that is tailored to your goals.
You have a project or you are looking for an investor?
If you have a project for which you need an investor or strategic partner and would like to add it to our database, please fill out the online form completely or contact us via eMail at
Haven’t found what you were searching for? No problem!
If you have not found the right investment project, please do not hesitate to contact us anyway. In the future, we might have the perfect project for you. As soon as we have something new in our portfolio, we are happy to get in touch with you. Feel free to write us what you are looking for, let us know your wishes and we will inform you immediately when we have something suitable for you.

Energy industry


Metal industry


Wood industry


Textile industry




Real estate










Governments projects


Others projects


    This instruction contains explanations and tips for completing the form that CORAL is using in order to gather information on investment projects that require a partnership with a foreign investor. CORAL can make the information you provide us with available to the foreign investor in the following ways:
    • ➤ Through the accessible database of investment projects on the CORAL website;
    • ➤ Through the general and sector promotional activities undertaken by CORAL or other promotional institutions in order to promote the region countries’ investment potential;
    • ➤ By providing information directly to the potential foreign investors or their intermediaries as an answer to the specific inquiries on the investment opportunities in the Southeast Europe.
    Prior to completing the form, one should examine the following key aspects of the investment project:
    To what extent is the project commercially and financially attractive and feasible for potential foreign investors? If a project does not meet these basic criteria, it is less likely that a foreign investor would invest in such a project.
    What are the forms of cooperation you want to achieve with a foreign investor? Regardless of how attractive the project itself is, a foreign investor will want to keep some control over their investments and may require you to relinquish some control over existing business or activities. If this is not possible, you have to carefully consider what kind of mutually acceptable cooperation you could propose to a potential foreign investor.
    What is the available level of flexibility in defining the investment project? Very few potential foreign investors will be looking to invest exactly in the originally proposed project. Even if the project itself is attractive, foreign investors will want to make certain alterations to suit their business model.
    How prepared are you to provide additional information about the project to potential foreign investors? If a potential investor shows interest in your investment project, he will expect you to be able to provide the necessary additional information about the project itself and about your business. This applies to feasibility studies, financial analyses of the proposed project, financial accounts and business documentation. If this information is not available, you should take all necessary actions to be able to present the requested information to potential investors promptly.
    It is important that you try to complete the form entirely and provide all the required information accurately and precisely in each section. Only if we have complete information about the project, it is more likely that the investor will assess your project as an attractive and well-designed opportunity. CORAL will assess the content and status of project implementation and promote the project to potential foreign investors.





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