Political system
Croatia is a parliamentary republic in which the head of government - the prime minister - and the head of state - the president - represent the executive power and the state at home and abroad. The government structure is based on separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers. The Parliament holds legislative power and also controls the executive. Its members are elected for 4 years.
Trade and economy
The most important sectors of Croatia’s economy in 2018 were wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (23.1%), industry (20.4%) and public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (15.5%).
Intra-EU trade accounts for 68% of Croatia’s exports (Italy 14%, Germany 13% and Slovenia 11%), while outside the EU 9% go to Bosnia & Herzegovina and 4% to Serbia. In terms of imports, 78% come from EU Member States (15% Germany, Italy 13% and Slovenia 11%), while outside the EU 3% come from both Bosnia & Herzegovina and China.
(Source: https://europa.eu/european-union)